The Postal Service – Suddenly Everything Has Changed

postato il 27 Dic 2011 in Senza categoria
da ad.6

Putting all the vegetables away
that you bought at the grocery store today
and it goes fast, you think of the past

Suddenly everything has changed

Driving home the sky accelerates
and the coulds are forming geometric shapes
and it goes fast, you think of the past

Suddenly everything has changed

Putting all the clothes you washed away
as you’re folding up the shirts you hesitate
then it goes fast, you think of the past

Suddenly everything has changed

2 commenti to “The Postal Service – Suddenly Everything Has Changed”

  1. avatar Cerbs ha detto:

    Che c’entra Super Mario?

  2. avatar ad.6 ha detto:

    Credo che la cosa dipenda dall’autore del video, tale MrSNES1, che ha un certo estro ed un certo gradimento per i Postal Service.
    Mi piace inoltre il commento al video che dice: “Mario having an existential crisis”. Probabilmente è il senso.

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